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Workout 151 - "Erin"

Hero Workout



15 Double Dumbbell Split Cleans

21 Pull Ups

General Warm Up

3-5min of Cardio of choice, nice and easy, then…


5 Light Bent Over Rows (Each Arm, if necessary)

Specific Warm Up

Today’s workout has a brand new movement for PPF! This is one that even the most die hard fitness folks may have never come across: the Split Clean. It’s ooooold school! Check out the split clean video and begin by trying out the movement with no weights at all. See if you can get your hands and feet to go to the right place at the right time. If it doesn’t, keep practicing OR switch to the standard Hang Power Clean. Whichever one feels better for you for today’s workout, go ahead and add some weight and warm it up!

After that, work on whichever substitution you plan to use for the pull ups. Then you’re ready to go!

Workout of the Day

Hero Workout



15 Double Dumbbell Split Cleans

Workout Notes

This is a “Hero Workout” dedicated to fallen Canadian Army Master Corporal Erin Doyle. Anytime we have a hero workout, we can expect an extra tough challenge. This also means that we have even more reason to modify the workout so we don’t come out the other side injured or debilitatingly sore!

To complete this workout, start a timer and do your 15 Split Cleans. Then do your 21 pull ups (or whichever Pull Up Substitution you choose.) That’s one round. Repeat that until you’ve completed 5 Rounds!

The hero part of this workout is in the sneaky amount of bicep work there is in this workload. Hang cleans are essentially Bicep Curls. Pull Ups/Bodyweight Rows/Dumbbell Rows are also very much bicep curls. That means that this workout, as written, is very much just 180 bicep curls. The biceps are a very small muscle group and they can be injured/overworked very easily, so if you bite off more than you can chew, this could be dangerous! Please be humble and realistic with your abilities so you can remain healthy and uninjured!

My first recommendation for this workout, based on the bicep-fest discussed above, is to cut down the reps! You could keep the rep scheme as is and just do three rounds. You could cut down the rep scheme and do five rounds. But however you do it, it may very well be a great (important) idea to cut down the total volume on your poor little biceps!

If you do want to complete the full workload, you may want to attempt it at a leisurely to moderate pace. The SPEED is the part that determines intensity and, one more time for the cheap seats, too much intensity on your biceps can and will leave you injured! Ratchet down the pace and that will automatically put you in a better place.

In order to complete this workout at its fullest expression, use no more than a pair of 30’s, 35’s, or 40’s. If using a barbell, don’t exceed 80lbs!

Split Clean Modifications

This one is new and takes some coordination. The video includes variations for barbell, dumbbells, and kettlebells, as well as progressions to getting up to the full movement. However, if you are not feeling any of those variations, use a standard Hang Power Clean.

Pull Up Modifications

This pull up number is HIGH! These are meant to be done with a kipping pull up. If you have the means, this is a perfect workout to sub in the Jumping Pull Up! If you don’t have access to the type of space required, go with Bodyweight Rows on your trusty rings and I would strongly recommend cutting down the number of reps. Doing a “strict” movement like a bodyweight row or Bent Over Rows (another good option today) is a different sort of intensity than the kipping pull ups and thus, I’d bring the number down to accommodate!

Optional Accessory Work

Alternating EMOM x 10min

Minute A: 5 Slow Kang Squats with PVC or Empty Bar

Minute B: 5-20 Push Ups (Variation of Choice)

Cool Down

1-2min of Chest Stretches on Each Side

1-2min in Forward Folds (on Each Leg if going single leg)

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Created by Brianna Borger © 2022

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