1000m Row
20 Floor Press
20 Weighted Step Ups (Total)
General Warm Up
3-5min of easy cardio to get your muscles warm, followed by…
10 PVC Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
10 Lunges (total)
200m Jog or 1:00 of Jump Rope
Specific Warm Up
If you are rowing, start with the Rowing Primer and then row 250m at a brisk pace.
After that, test out the Floor Press and work your way up to a weight that you can do for 10-20 reps in a row.
The trickiest movement of the day will be the weighted Step Up. If you have a place to do step ups, practice some with no weight first, then decide if you are going to hold some weight and if so, how you’re going to hold it. Safety first! Be sure to practice a few sets of 4-6 reps (2-3 per leg) before the workout starts.
Workout of the Day
1000m Row
20 Floor Press
20 Weighted Step Ups (Total)
Workout Notes
A 2 Rounder? Cue Admiral Ackbar…
The 1000m Row really makes or breaks this workout. If you go at a moderate pace, this will probably be a pretty moderate workout. However, if you choose to really go after that row, this will sting a bit!
For the floor press, be sure to use a set of weights with which you can do 10-20 reps in a row. That means that if you want to go heavier and break the 20 reps into 2 sets, go for it. Chase the pump!
Remember that the dumbbell step ups are 20 reps TOTAL. That’s 10 per leg. You can do those 10 right then 10 left, or alternating. Up to you! Go as heavy as you can on these!
Rowing Modifications
The Row should be approximately 4min long. If you are rowing and it will take you closer to 5min, bring down the distance so you can keep up a faster pace for a shorter amount of time.
If you are going for another cardio option, you can do 4min of whatever it is, OR…
2000m Concept 2 Bike Erg
800m Run
50 Cal Air Bike
If you don’t have any other options available, swap in the following complex for each 1000m Row:
1:00 of Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (No heavier than 50 total pounds)
1:00 of Squat Thrusts
1:00 of Kettlebell Swings
1:00 of Bicycle Crunches (Or Sit Ups)
Floor Press Modifications
The floor press should be doable for everyone! However, if you don’t dig it or just can’t seem to find the right weight, any press will do. The most appropriate substitution would be a double Dumbbell Bench Press or Push Ups. However, if you want to press in another direction, dips or Strict Press would be great too!
Step Up Modifications
The step up is a phenomenal leg builder! If you don’t have a place to do a proper step up, but there are steps near your workout space, you can just go up and down the steps, maybe carrying weight, maybe skipping steps for a deeper range of motion, or maybe just walking up the steps is a great challenge for you. If you don’t have steps, do lunges, adding weight if possible. If you missed Day 1 and you have Pistol Squats as a skill, swap those in! If you aren’t down for single leg work, go with Dumbbell Squats or Jump Squats.
Optional Accessory Work
3-4 Rounds
1:00 Side Plank
1:00 Other Side Plank
1:00 Glute Bridge March
1:00 Rest
Cool Down
1-2min of Chest Stretches on Each Side
1-2min of Saddle Pose
1-2min of Child’s Pose