10 Power Snatches
50 Double Unders
Then… 2:00 Rest… Then…
10 Power Snatches
250m Row
General Warm-Up
3-5min of Cardio of Choice, then…
3 Rounds
5 - 10 Sit Ups
Specific Warm Up
If you are doing Barbell Snatches, be sure to go through the full Barbell Snatch Warm Up. Then, decide on weight that allows you to do an unbroken set of 10 Power Snatches in the first round, if not multiple rounds. Work your way from the empty bar warm up to that working weight doing sets of 2-3 reps at a time.
If you are doing Dumbbell Snatches, be sure to practice the movement at a light weight for a few reps on each arm. Then attempt to do a set of 4-6 reps alternating arms. If you need to go up in weight from there, go for it!
If you have a rower available, hit that Rowing Primer.
If you are jumping rope and you are working on double unders, go through the Jump Rope video and work through your options until you find one that works for you. If you are a double under wonder, heat them up however you please or try some Jump Rope Ladder Drills!
Workout of the Day
10 Power Snatches
Then… 2:00 Rest… Then…
10 Power Snatches
250m Row
Workout Notes
This is an interesting little piece that will end up being 60 power snatches and lots of little cardio bites, so it should get sweaty! The idea here is to get through the first 3 rounds as fast as possible to get to that 2min rest. After the 2min rest, you’ve got 3 more rounds to get to the finish line!
Snatch Modifications
The snatch is always a tough one to modify. In this case, the ideal movement would come from the ground and go all the way up and overhead in one motion. That could be 10 reps with a barbell or 10 total reps of Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (5 per arm.) If you are having issues getting the weight to and from the floor, go with a Hang Power Snatch. If you are having trouble with getting the weight overhead, go with a Power Clean. If you are having trouble with both the floor part AND the overhead part, go with a Hang Power Clean or 10-20 Russian Kettlebell Swings!
Cardio Modifications
The chunks of Double Unders should be :30-1:00 long. The chunks of rowing should be between 1:00-1:30. You can scrap the distance/rep numbers and just go hard for 1 minute, or use our Cardio Resources Page to make your own chunks of cardio that correspond to those time windows. Make it your own, just make sure that it’s exhausting!
Optional Accessory Work
Ab Blaster #1
:15 Bicycle Crunches
:15 Sit Ups
:15 Alt. Leg V-Ups
:15 Hollow Hold
:30 REST
Cool Down
1-2min PVC T-Spine Stretch
1-2min of Saddle Pose