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Workout 356 - Total Body Strength


Bulgarian Split Squats: 4 x 8 Each Leg


Superset x 3-4

10 Single Leg RDL’s Each Side

10 Toes to Bar

10 “8 Count Body Builders”

General Warm Up

Begin with 3-5min of easy cardio to prime those muscles for a heavy workout. Follow that up with:


1:00 of Jump Rope, Jumping Jacks, or a quick Jog

Specific Warm Up

Today’s workout is a strength workout, so really we just need to make sure we go through each movement and test it, add weight to it (if that’s applicable) and make sure it’s fired up and ready to go! As per usual, every movement is modifiable, but in particular today, I want to note that our big movement of the day (Bulgarian Split Squats) are a pretty high level movement and I don’t want you to force them. Using any split squat from the video will be fantastic!

Workout of the Day


Bulgarian Split Squats: 4 x 8 Each Leg

*Rest 2:00 between sets


Superset x 3-4

10 Single Leg RDL’s Each Side

Rest as needed

Workout Notes

STRENGTH DAY! If you aren’t familiar, the goal of the Strength Day is NOT to go as fast as possible, but rather to give everything you’ve got to each set of each exercise. If we can do that, we will challenge our muscles in a unique way and promote strength and muscle gainz. So get after it!

If you haven’t participated in a Strength Day in this format, let me break it down in case you are having trouble reading it. After all of your warming up is done, you’ll do one very challenging set of 8 Split Squats on your right leg, then 8 on your left leg, then rest for at least 2:00. Repeat that 3 times for a total of 4 sets of Split Squats. When that is over, you’ll move on to the circuit. You’ll then do 10 Single Leg RDL’s on your right leg, 10 on your left leg, then 10 Toes to Bar, then 10 “8 Count Body Builders.” Rest as much as you need/want to and then repeat 2-3 times for a total of 3-4 sets.

Cool Down

1-2min of Couch Stretch on Each Side

1-2min of Pigeon / Figure 4 Pose on Each Side

1-2min of Happy Baby

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Created by Brianna Borger © 2022

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