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Workout 362 - Bike and Sit Ups


4:00 AMRAP

25 Cal Bike

Max Sit Ups in Remaining Time

*1:00 Rest in between AMRAPS

General Warm Up

3-5min of Cardio of Choice, then perform the Joint Rotation Warm Up, followed by...


Specific Warm Up

Not much technique in today’s workout! Just go, go, go! The biggest mistake in this kind of workout is not getting your heart rate up ENOUGH before the workout begins. I find that people are always wanting to “save it for the workout,” but if you don’t get your heart rate WAY up first, you will tank in the first round. So let’s warm up with something like this:

:30 Bike (moderate)

5 Sit Ups

:30 Bike (Uncomfortably fast)

5 Sit Ups

:30 Bike (Full Send - All out)

5 Sit Ups

REST as long as needed for your heart rate to come back down

Workout of the Day


4:00 AMRAP

25 Cal Bike

Max Sit Ups in Remaining Time

*1:00 Rest in between AMRAPS

Workout Notes

Oooooh the SPICE! This one is very simple, but it should buuuuurn. The format is honestly the most complicated part of this mutha, so let’s break that down. First of all, this workout is 3 Rounds. In each round, the goal is to get as many Sit Ups as possible in the allotted time. The time allotted is 4:00. So each round, when your timer says go, you will start with biking 25 calories as fast as you can (or a modification from below) and then in the remaining time, you’ll crank out sit ups. When the timer ends at 4:00, you will have 1:00 to rest and reset before you repeat that whole thing again (Round 2) and then one more time (Round 3.) As your abs fatigue, your sit ups should slow down considerably from round to round. That’s expected and encouraged!

This could end up being a GREAT many sit ups. Be sure that you are well prepared for that outcome before you attempt this workout. Translation: if you have not been working out much (or at all) and you suddenly do 200+ Sit Ups, your abs will HATE you and you will not be able to do anything for a week. Does that sound like good training? Yeah I didn’t think so. Consistent baby steps. No giant leaps. Train today to train tomorrow!

Bike Modifications

This is a tough one to call today because the Air Bike moves so differently from person to person. In my first round, this 25 calories will most likely be about 1:00. But when I have to repeat that in a workout, 25 calories stretches towards the 2:00 mark VERY easily. For that reason, let’s say you make the call depending on how many sit ups you are looking to do. If you want lots of sit up time, go for 1:00 of biking FULL SEND. If you want to split it up more, make it more like 2:00. If you want to get really realistic, bike hard for 1:00 in Round 1, 1:30 in Round 2, and 2:00 in Round 3. If you do not have a bike available, use those same parameters for any device or options on our Cardio Resources Page!

Sit Up Modifications

In the world of spinal flexion (folding one’s self in half) we’ve got all of our usual options. You can use Sit Ups/V-Ups (although there ARE V-Ups in the Day 4 workout so beware) or crank the difficulty up with things like Kipping Toes To Bar, Hanging Knee Raises, or strict versions of those movements. However, many folks (especially those at PPF) have legitimate reasons to AVOID spinal flexion (Herniated disc crew repreSENT!) If this is you, try challenging your abs with ANTI-flexion/extension movements, aka: Isometrics. This means any challenging Front Plank, Side Planks, Around the World Plank, Single Arm Plank, Plank Shoulder Taps, or, depending on your specific back situation, even Hollow Holds or Hollow Rocks.

Optional Accessory Work

Let’s slowly move our way through 3 x 10 of light, controlled, Good Mornings (with PVC or light weight) OR, if you’re feeling adventurous, Kang Squats. Brace your spine and move like a robot. Good, clean, quality movement.

Cool Down

1-2min of Child’s Pose

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Created by Brianna Borger © 2022

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