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Workout 427 - Lunge, Sit Up, Push Up, Pull Up


100 Lunges

100 Sit Ups

50 Kipping Pull Ups

50 Hand Release Push Ups

General Warm Up

3-5min of Cardio of Choice, then…

3 Rounds

Specific Warm Up

This is a simple workout for which to warm up. Simply take each movement listed (or your modifications, after reading through the workout notes) and perform 3-4 sets of ~5 reps to make sure that the movement is a safe and effective choice for you today!

Workout of the Day


100 Lunges

50 Kipping Pull Ups

50 Hand Release Push Ups

Workout Notes

These kinds of workouts are fun! I like having the freedom to mix things up to try to make the workout as enjoyable as possible. Let’s break it down.

This workout is FOR TIME, which means we want to get through to the workload as quickly as possible, while not letting our form break down by more than ~15%. However, these FOR TIME workouts usually have a set number of rounds and reps and this one just says ACCUMULATE. That means that you can take the workload at hand and break it up however you’d like, in order to get through it as quickly as possible. Here are a couple of examples that you could use:


10 Lunges

5 Pull Ups

10 Sit Ups

5 Push Ups



20 Lunges

10 Push Ups

10 Pull Ups

20 Sit Ups

Get the idea? You can break it up in whatever wonky way you’d like, including just doing it straight through! Although that would probably be the hardest… Have fun, get creative, and get after it!

Lunge Modifications

These Lunges can be any style that you find in the lunge video, but we are looking for a total of 50 per leg. Do NOT do 100 per leg! They are meant to be done without any weight, but if you have legs of steel, you can add some weight. Just don’t say I didn’t warn ya! The lunges can also be any form of single leg stepping that you prefer, like Box Step Ups or any Split Squat variation. If you aren’t ready for a ton of single leg work, use a simple Air Squat or Dumbbell Squat Variation and keep the rep count at 100.

Sit Up Modifications

You can use Sit Ups, V-Ups, anything you find in the Toes to Bar video, or any crunching variation you like. If you are not a cruncher, choose your toughest Plank Variation and accumulate 5min across the workout. Here’s the plank menu: Front Plank, Side Planks, Around the World Plank, Single Arm Plank, Plank Shoulder Taps, or, depending on your specific back situation, even Hollow Holds or Hollow Rocks.

Kipping Pull Up Modifications

The Kipping Pull Up is not something everyone has access to, but if you have access and can do them, they are great! If you can’t do them, but you have a pull up bar situation in your gym, this would be an excellent day for Jumping Pull Ups. If you have a Pull Up Bar but can only do Strict Pull Ups, go for those instead, but you may want to cut down the total reps as they garner a different type of intensity. Maybe cut it down to 25? If you don’t have any Pull Up Bar options available, stick with Bodyweight Rows or Bent Over Rows. As long as you are pulling, you’re good!

Hand Release Push Up Modifications

I’d highly recommend modifying this to a KNEE PUSH UP with the same hand release at the bottom of every rep. Nine times out of ten, folks who are doing push ups are having form problems because they are not going all the way down to the ground. Doing push ups on your knees allows you to get all the way down and all the way up for enough reps to build strength! The Combo Push Up (in the push up video) is also a great option. If you’d rather do another press instead, choose from any of the following options, but know that we are scheduled to put weight overhead quite a bit in tomorrow’s workout, so be careful with what you choose today: Push Ups, Dips, Bench Press, Dumbbell Bench Press, Strict Press, or Floor Press .

Optional Accessory Work

*A Tabata is an interval workout where you’ll perform ONE movement as hard as you can for :20 and then you’ll rest for :10. This is repeated 7 more times for a total of 8 Rounds (4min.) If it helps, look at it this way:


:20 Work

:10 Rest

There are many free Tabata timers you can download and of course, there are the always polarizing Tabata Songs you can look up as well!

Cool Down

1-2min of Samson Stretch on each side

1-2min of Chest Stretches on each side

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Created by Brianna Borger © 2022

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