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Workout 79 -Snatch, V-Up, Arch Hold


15 Hang Power Snatch

15 V- Ups

:15 Arch Hold

Rest 1:00

General Warm Up

Begin with the full Joint Rotation Warm Up, then put in your 3-5min of Cardio of Choice. Then…


5 PVC Overhead Squats (add a pause at the bottom of each rep)

10 Arch Ups with a hold at the top (carefully!)

Specific Warm Up

Barbell Snatchers: Hit some empty bar hang power snatches and then start to work up to your weight for the day.

DB Snatchers: Get in some alternating Hang Power Snatches and then decide on your dumbbell weight for the day.

Workout of the Day


Rest 1:00

Workout Notes

In general, we should think of each round as a bit of a sprint, knowing that there is a rest on the other side.The rep count for the snatches is JUST high enough for you to want to break them up, but hang on tight and try not to! The rep count for the V-ups is the same. That’s the point! Over 5 Rounds, we probably won’t be able to do ALL of it unbroken, but try to get as far as you can.

Snatch Modifications

If you are using a barbell, make sure you use a weight that allows you to get at least ONE round unbroken. It will be obnoxiously light! If you are using dumbbells, you should be alternating arms for a TOTAL of 15 reps. If that drives you nuts, feel free to make it 16 or 14 so that the numbers are split evenly. Remember that for either barbell OR dumbbells, this motion will not come all the way from the ground today. From the hang (just below the hips) to overhead in one smooth motion!

V-Up Modifications

Sit ups, Crunches, Toes Toe Crunches, or whatever core movement suits that BOD!

Arch Hold

If this move is a no-go for your back, sub in Good mornings. Keep them steady and controlled. Do NOT apply the “sprint and hang on” advice to this movement.

Optional Accessory Work

3 - 4 Rounds

:30 Other Side Plank

:30 Rest

Cool Down

1-2min of Samson Stretch

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Created by Brianna Borger © 2022

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