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Workout 84 - Row, Swing, Burpee, Wall Walk

16:00 AMRAP

250m Row

20 Kettlebell Swings

10 Reverse Burpees

3 Wall Walks

General Warm Up

3-5 min of Cardio of choice, followed by…


Specific Warm Ups

Hit the Rowing Primer and the Kettlebell Primer and then make sure you do at least a few reps of whatever wall walk or wall walk progression you intend to use in the workout!

Workout of the Day

16:00 AMRAP

250m Row

Rowing Modifications

The row should be :45 to 1:00 of cardio. Anything in that realm will be a great substitute!

If you are not rowing but you have other cardio options, sub in any of these options:

  • 200m Run (Be sure to properly warm up your running first!)

  • 500m C2 Bike

  • 10-15 cal Air Bike

If you have no other cardio options, you can choose anything that gets your heart rate up for 1min or:

Kettlebell Swings

These can be any kind of swings, but if you feel safe going overhead, try out some overhead swings! If that’s not your jam, no sweat. Eye-level will do fine. If you are not able to do swings, you can replace the swings with deadlifts.

Reverse Burpees

Just like the regular burpee is “lay down on your stomach and then get back up,” this move can truly be any form of “lay down on your back and then get back up.” Everyone should be able to find some variation that works for them, but also, always feel free to bring the reps down as well if that’s right for you!

Wall Walks

Everyone should be able to find something in the wall walk video that works for them, but if you need to (or want to) you can also swap in something from the Handstand Walk video. There are lots of fun options there too!

Optional Accessory Work

Accumulate 2-3 minutes in each Side Plank.

Accumulate 10-15 Nordic Curls in as few sets as possible.

Cool Down

1-2min in Child’s Pose

1-2min Foam Rolling Each Glute

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Created by Brianna Borger © 2022

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